Postat av: Nacho!
Oh my god, man! You are great and awesome! Hi well maybe you 4 don't know who I am. Ok I will explain, only Karin meets me. My name is Nacho and now I'm your Spanish Fan #1 :D I like music like you too but I'm just a bit rocker, biut that isn't important when someone likes play music, and all your voices are pure harmony, I like it. All you know how to go inside a heart with 2 guitars (I play the guitar, the bass and piano too and I understand a bit of all this) I'm very surprised about your cover because it's a pretty song :3
See you! ROCK!
P.D. Come into my blog too!
Postat av: Amanda E
Jättebra!! :D
Karin, mamma hälsar att vi köper 4 biljetter till nästa konsert. ;)
H. Amanda :D